Supported Hardware

Ubiqua Protocol Analyzer supports different hardware adapters as specified in the table below. All the supported hardware drivers are located in Program Files\Ubilogix\Drivers folder in the drive where you installed the software. As provided from the vendor each adapter is already programmed with the appropriate firmware application. If you need more information about the firmware application or the adapter’s drivers please refer to the Ubilogix support webpage.

Vendor Name Parts Number 2.4GHz SubGhz Drivers
NXP JN5169 USB Dongle OM15020 \Drivers\FTDI
NXP JN5179 USB Dongle OM15021 \Drivers\FTDI
NXP KW2x: Kinetis KW2x Family TWR-KW24D512 and KW24D512-USB \Drivers\FS KW2x
NXP Kinetis® KW41Z-2.4 GHz KW41Z N/A
Texas Instruments CC2531 Ev. Module Kit CC2531EMK \Drivers\TI
Texas Instruments TI CC135xR LAUNCHXL-CC1352R1 \Drivers\TI
Texas Instruments TI CC26x2 LAUNCHXL-CC26X2R1 \Drivers\TI
Sewio Open Sniffer Open Sniffer for 802.15.4 N/A
Ubisys Zigbee USB Stick Zigbee USB Stick U1 Provided by the vendor

Legacy Supported Hardware

Vendor Name Parts Number Drivers
NXP MC1322x USB 1322X-USB \Drivers\FTDI
NXP JN5168 USB Dongle DR1198 \Drivers\FTDI
Microchip ZigBit USB Stick ATZB-X-23x-USB \Drivers\MICROCHIP
Microchip RZ600 Evaluation Kit AT86RF212 (SubG) and the AT86RF23x families \Drivers\MICROCHIP
Rainforest Automation TOUCAN Wireless Sniffer RFA-Z106-SN TOUCAN \Drivers\FTDI

Ubiqua Sniffer

You can create your own adapter firmware and communicate with Ubiqua, with any hardware of your choice, using the Ubiqua Sniffer API. This communication protocol describes the messages that your sniffer must support in order to transfer the over-the-air data to Ubiqua using a UART interface.

In this guide you can find an Ubiqua Sniffer API implementation for the Texas Instruments CC2531 and a step by step guide explaining how to use it to sniff an IEEE 802.15.4 network.