Plan B Spotting VS Implantation Bleeding: What’s The Difference?

Plan B spotting vs implantation bleeding

It is quite common to take the morning-after pill to avoid unwanted pregnancy. So after you are done taking the pill, you expect to be done with the process. But does that really end there?

It does not often. You might even experience bleeding or spotting after you have taken the morning-after pill. This might be the moment that can get you worried; after all, spotting is one of the obvious signs of successful implantation.

To get you out in the clear, spotting can happen even after the pill has worked. Implantation bleeding is a sign, but that is not the only reason why you must be bleeding. In this article, we will get to know the difference between Plan B spotting vs implantation bleeding.

What Is Plan B? How Does It Work?

What is plan B

Plan B is the most frequently used emergency contraceptive pill, which is also widely available. This is also known as the morning-after pill. The purpose of taking Plan B is to prevent pregnancy, whatever the reason may be.

This pill stops women from getting pregnant by interfering with the menstruation cycle. This means you can see irregular bleeding after you are done taking the pill. Plan B generally delays or stops the ovulation process.

Plan B contains progesterone in a synthetic form known as Levonorgestrel. This synthetic hormone within the contraceptive pill actually delays the ovulation process in your menstrual cycle. This interferes with the process so that the egg is not available for the implantation process.

But of course, this is not a completely secure method. If ovulation has already occurred, there is no place for preventing ovulation, and in that case, there is no way to prevent pregnancy.

How Often Can You Take It?

There is no specific quantity suggested You can take it as and when you need. But the more you consume it, the chances of getting spotting and menstrual irregularities increase. If you notice that you often need Plan B, it is better you talk to a doctor and discuss the more effective ways of birth control.

Plan B is not an abortion pill, and it does not cause miscarriage. There should be no heavy flow like the one you get during menstruation, and there should be no clotting.

Some Side Effects Of Plan B

Spotting and alteration in the menstrual cycle are not just the side effects of Plan B; there are a few more to it. Those are:

If you find any of this happening, then now you know they are the side effects of Plan B, and they just last for a few days and do not happen altogether. You will not have all of these symptoms together.

These contraceptive pills do not come with long-term side effects; they are not very serious. Keep in mind that these pills would never affect your ability to get pregnant in the near future and won’t cause you harm in ways that won’t let you carry the baby successfully. And just a reminder that even if you are not pregnant, your periods might come late.

Does Plan B Make You Bleed?

Does Plan B make you bleed

It is not something to be worried about if you find yourself bleeding after taking Plan B. Some people are as early as eight hours after taking the pill. This does not happen often, but this is not something impossible.

You can experience spotting between the time of taking the pill and your next period. This can alter your menstrual cycle; it can bring it forward or delay it as well. You can get your periods heavier than usual or lighter than usual on your first menstruation after taking the pill.

But it can’t be said for sure, as every human is different. So, some might experience spotting, and some might not. But if you see this and get worried about the fact that this could be implantation bleeding, the best way is to take a pregnancy test.

According to a study conducted in 2006:

What Causes Plan B Spotting?

What causes Plan B spotting

You might experience bleeding or light spitting after taking Plan B, but dont get stressed; there are other women as well who have experienced this. The synthetic hormone within the pill known as the levonorgestrel emergency contraception makes the uterus shed the inner lining, just like it does during periods. This is when the inner lining sheds and exits through the vagina with a small amount of blood.

Signs That Plan B Didn’t Work

Signs that Plan B didn

Implantation Bleeding

Implantation bleeding

Implantation bleeding is something that women face after the fertilized egg has attached to the uterine lining. After the successful implantation, they experience a little bit of bleeding or spotting, to be precise.

Why Does Implantation Bleeding Happen?

Why does implantation bleeding happen

The process through which the fertilized egg attaches itself to the lining can tear some tiny blood vessels in the uterus, resulting in spotting. This then exits through the vagina in the form of implantation bleeding.

There are a few other symptoms of implantation.

While bleeding is one of the most prominent signs that you have conceived, there are other symptoms too that you need to keep an eye on that equally confirm that you may have conceived.

While these signs are not as visible as implantation bleeding, they are just as important and confirm an implantation.


While you are accustomed to the cramps you get during periods, implantation cramps are just the same, and something may get worse. Cramps mainly happen because of the tide of hormones that happens in your body while implantation happens. Furthermore, a lot goes on in the uterus with the implantation of the fertilized egg, and as it starts to grow.

While there is no research that claims implantation is the actual reason behind the cramps, some women tend to feel abdominal tenderness, cramping around the time of implantation, or lower back pain. This might feel exactly how you feel right before your period starts.


If you have been actively indicating your cervical mucus, we appreciate you for that. Knowing what is going on with your body is a healthy practice if you are trying to conceive.

You might notice some changes in your cervical mucus at the time of implantation.

While ovulating, the cervical mucus will be clear, slippery, and stretchy, just like egg whites. Once implantation occurs, the mucus might just become thicker and appear gummy in texture. During the days of early pregnancy, increasing estrogen and progesterone levels might cause the mucus to become even thicker, white or yellow in color, and more profuse.


Increasing progesterone levels slows down the digestive system in your body. This might make you feel more bloated than usual. However, bloating is another prominent symptom of the period. This happens because progesterone levels also increase when your period is nearby.

Tender Breasts

Once implantation happens, levels of estrogen, hCG, and progesterone all rise massively. This may cause the breasts to be too sore to even exist. While women tend to experience breast soreness or tenderness right before their periods, too, it is more noticeable and prominent when it comes to the early days of pregnancy.


This is arguably one of the most common symptoms of early pregnancy. Nausea, or morning sickness, is one of those symptoms that every pregnant woman is accustomed to.

Increased progesterone levels following implantation might make you feel nauseous all the time. But then again, this happens around the 4th or 5th week of pregnancy.

Progesterone also slows down your digestion, which again contributes to the nausea. Increasing hCG levels and more sensitivity to smell make the problem even worse. It is better to avoid foods that are tough to digest and have a strong smell during pregnancy.


While they are important and good for a successful pregnancy, the rapidly increasing hormonal level may also give you certain degrees of headaches following implantation.

Changes In Moods

Mood swings are yet again one of the biggest symptoms that claim that a baby is arriving soon. The increasing levels of hormones contribute to the sudden change of moods during pregnancy.

Implantation Dip

While this sounds like a weird dip, implantation dip refers to the sudden one-day crease in basal body temperature that occurs as a result of implantation.

Plan B Spotting VS Implantation Bleeding – Key Differences

Plan B spotting vs implantation bleeding

Spotting happens in both cases, whether you have taken Plan B or you have had a successful implantation. This can happen when Plan B doesn’t work, and you are in the first stage of pregnancy. Implantation bleeding vs plan b spotting can be separated through a few differences.

1. Flow

Implantation bleeding is a lot lighter than menstrual bleeding. As a matter of fact, it is generally a few drops of brown or pink discharge. Or you can see streaks when you wipe.

Bleeding after Plan B is very light, but in a study, it was reported that around 15% of women experience heavy bleeding after taking this pill.

2. Colour

Bleeding that is happening because of the Plan B pill is generally reddish brown in color, whereas implantation bleeding is either brown or pink in color.

3. Cramping

After implantation, few women experience cramping, which is actually a side effect that implantation has. This is caused because of the rapid fluctuation of the hormones that happens after implantation. These cramps are mild in nature and can be explained as a dull ache or a sharp twinge. This is a lot similar to the menstrual cramps, just lighter.

Implantation cramping is mostly experienced by 30% of women, whereas cramping that is caused by Plan B is like a slight pain in the lower part of the abdomen.

4. Duration And Consistency

Implantation bleeding VS spotting after Plan B has a difference in their consistency as well as duration. Implantation bleeding lasts for one to two days and is very light. In these two days, women experience inconsistent bleeding.

Spotting because of Plan B can last a lot longer, and some people even experience this for almost a month after they have taken the pill. Mostly it is spotting or light bleeding that happens after taking the pill.

5. Incidence

If we compare how common these two types of bleeding are, then bleeding after Plan B is winning the battle. Only 25% of women experience implantation bleeding, but a lot more than that experience spotting after taking Plan B.

When Should You See A Doctor?

Well, you can contact the doctor anytime you want, just to be on the safe side. But if you continue to get irregular bleeding in between your menstrual cycle, then consult a doctor about this issue.

If you find yourself bleeding excessively after taking the morning-after pill and if it is accompanied by abdominal pain, then seek the help of a doctor immediately. Also, if you start vomiting after two hours of taking the pill, this could be something alarming.

Can Implantation Bleeding Give A Positive Result To A Pregnancy Test?

The home pregnancy test kit determined pregnancy by measuring the human chorionic gonadotropin amount in the urine. When implantation happens, the body starts producing hCG. Around the eighth day of ovulation, the body has produced enough hCG to make a positive pregnancy test. But it takes longer than that for most women.

If you are sure that you have played your part and at the right time, then wait for a few days when you see implantation bleeding and then take a pregnancy test. This will give your body enough time and will allow it to produce the necessary amount of hormones needed for detecting the pregnancy. There are a lot of factors that influence the amount in which hCG is released in the body. This will give accurate results.

Wrapping Up!

If you are still having a battle between Plan B spotting vs implantation bleeding, the best you can do is take a pregnancy to end all this confusion. But if you are thinking that you are pregnant, then at least wait for 3 days before you take the test to get the pregnancy hormones consistent in your body. That is when your body will give an accurate result.

But I hope the symptoms will help you understand whether it is implantation bleeding or bleeding because of the Plan B pill.

Additional Reading: