Air Force ROTC

Welcome to the first step into an exciting and bright future. In Air Force Reserve Officer Training Corps, you will experience many things that you can't anywhere else. One of these is the exceptional level of camaraderie and sense of belonging that you get right off the bat. You instantaneously acquire a network of over 100 other students with an array of backgrounds, majors, leadership experience, and knowledge that will help you throughout your time in college. We offer opportunities for you to get a scholarship in the most unique way. Unlike other scholastic rewards based solely on academic aptitude or athletic prowess, we offer ours based on you, the whole person. More importantly, we base it on your leadership potential. We also offer the unique opportunity of a guaranteed career as soon as you graduate from college. Are you interested yet? If so, below are several areas concerning the AFROTC program, how to get in, and what's expected of you. If you have any questions that cannot be answered here, feel free to discuss them with our recruiter


Are you still in high school, but know you want a chance at challenging yourself and being something more? Are you interested in having the Air Force help pay for your college education while you prepare for that something more? If so, then explore the links below to learn more about the opportunities available to you.


So you're a college student and want to know how to join? Easy! Complete the AFROTC Screening Questionnaire, sign it, and email it to our Admissions Liaison who will review your document. You will be contacted to attend one of our paperwork sessions. For more information, read below under "What's Required to Join?"


There are a few ways of being awarded a scholarship. The first is while still in high school. If this is you, please go to the section "How to Join While Still in High School." Those of you who are just starting college or are currently in college, there are scholarship opportunities twice a year. There is no formal application process because you are already part of the program. You are already demonstrating every day your ability to lead and further potential to grow as a leader. We also look at your Physical Fitness Assessment scores, Air Force Officer Qualifying Test scores, and your GPA. Additionally, our Detachment Commander has the authority to offer one scholarship to a deserving cadet each semester. Is that cadet you? To know, you'll have to join and find out who you are and what you're made of. The opportunities are:

Freshman Year:
- Scholarship consideration for Freshman or four-year program cadets occurs in the Spring of their first year in AFROTC.

Sophomore Year:
- Scholarship consideration for Sophomores or three-year program cadets occurs in the fall of their second year in AFROTC (Sophomores) or first year in the fall (three-year program).


Minimum 2.5 CGPA (unweighted), a 950 SAT (reading and math only, no superscoring), or a 20 ACT (no superscoring).



AFROTC is a leadership development training program. We take who you are and build on that. This is accomplished in several ways. First, you will have classroom instruction that will educate you on the Air Force through its history, how it affects national policy, general leadership traits, and other topics of importance for future leaders of the Air Force. You will attend weekly Leadership Laboratory, where cadets learn and practice leadership in an active environment. This can be anything from leading a march, physical training, field expeditionary day to learn deployed environment tactics, briefings, and distinguished visitors from across the Air Force. There is no shortage of opportunity to learn and eventually lead other cadets. This is a cadet-run program and the best way to learn it is to do it. For a better idea, watch the video "A Day in the Life of a Cadet."


As an AS 100 (Freshman) and AS 200 (Sophomore), you will be expected to attend one hour of Aerospace Studies class per week (Tuesday or Thursday mornings), in addition to two hours of Leadership Laboratory (Thursday mornings) and two hours of Physical Training (Tuesday and Thursday mornings). This is a total of 5 in-person hours per week.

As an AS 300 (Junior) and AS 400 (Senior), your schedule is similar with the exception of three hours of Aerospace class per week (Tuesday mornings), for a total of 7 in-person hours per week.

One of the main questions we always get is "will it interfere with school?" The answer is no, and for several reasons. Most importantly, we understand that you are a student first; you need a Bachelor's degree to earn a commission. Complete a Form 48 Academic Plan to with your Academic Advisor to fill in all projected classes from start to graduation. In addition to your required AFROTC courses, your Academic Advisor will fill in the classes you need to get your degree and sign the form. The Academic Advisor will note any red flags and work with you as the cadet to ensure you are able to achieve your goal of a degree and a commission.

WHAT IS AS100, AS200, AS300, AS400?

AS stands for Aerospace Studies, which is what the AFROTC Undergraduate program falls under. The AFROTC program is designed to be a four-year program with the Freshman year being AS100; the Sophomore year being AS200; the Junior year being AS300; and, the Senior year being AS400. We are aware that not everyone comes across wanting to do AFROTC right away, or maybe they have a major that takes five years to complete. We can work with that. If you are a Freshman and the school year has already started but you really want to join AFROTC, then you may be able to start in the Spring. Please navigate to the "Admissions & Enrollment" tab and fill out the Screening Questionnaire to get the process started. Don't know if you would be a three- or four-year AFROTC student? Continue reading.


So you want to join AFROTC and you want to complete it in three years? We can help you with that! To be a three-year program cadet, you fall in one of two categories:

1. You just completed your Freshman year and you're on a four year degree program then you'll do the AFROTC program and start as an AS250 (doubling up on AS100 and AS200 classes). If you plan to do graduate work, see the "I Think I'm a Four-Year Program" section.

2. You just completed your Freshman year and you're a five-year degree major. Five-year degree majors are typically those in engineering or the sciences (chemistry, physics, mathematics, etc.).


Those seeking to do a the standard four-year route fall into various categories as well.

1. You are getting ready to start your Freshman year and want to join AFROTC.

2. You completed your Freshman year and are in one of the five-year majors (engineering, chemistry, physics, mathematics, etc.)

3. You completed your Freshman year and ARE NOT a five year degree major, but you intend to do graduate work after you graduate.

If you have a situation not categorized above, please contact our office and we can work a schedule that satisfies both our AFROTC program commissioning requirements and your academic degree graduation requirements.

4202 E. Fowler Avenue, SVC 2002,
Tampa, FL 33620, USA

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