Director of Youth Protection (DYP)

A Director of Youth Protection (DYP) is appointed for each region of Québec. He is responsible for enforcing the Youth Protection Act (YPA) in his region. The YPA applies to children whose security or development is or may be considered to be in danger. These children are considered to be in difficulty and in need of protection. In the YPA, the term “child” refers to a person under 18 years of age. Therefore, the Act also applies to teenagers.

The DYP works out of an integrated health and social services centre (CISSS) or integrated university health and social services centre (CIUSSS) that provides protection and rehabilitation services for youth with adjustment problems, previously called “youth centres”. The DYP works in collaboration with all the resources in his region.

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The DYP's role

The DYP intervenes with a child and his parents in the child’s interest and with respect for his rights. His intervention must aim to:

The DYP intervenes mainly in situations where a child:

Most of the time, these situations are brought to the DYP’s attention by telephone. This is called “reporting” or “making a report”. A report must be made for the DYP to be able to assess a child’s situation and living conditions.

To find out more about reporting and about situations where a report must be made, consult the page Reporting a situation to the Director of Youth Protection (DYP).

The DYP's duties

The DYP is assisted by a team of caseworkers who carry out a number of duties which include: